These Are The Thanks I Get

Kerry Lynne Feirman

Patrick Kane

Steven Grant

Brent Fidler

Mark Jobe

Caroline Westheimer

Shane Silva

Elisa Llamido

Eva Silva

Stephen Grove

Trevor Anthony Pitzel

Jessica O'Keefe

Kathryn Glass

John Richard Petersen

Vanessa Villalovos

Eva Minemar

Jon Bostick

LaTiana Culbreath

Michael Finn

Christian Gann

Charles Davidson

Aimee Bourgon

Daver Morrison

Raymund Aranda

Clyde Tull

Gregg Martin

Ellen Thompson

Antoy Grant

Lesley Paterson

David Aizer

Elizabeth Hobgood

Scott DeFoe

Sarah Skeeters

Joe Braza

Kelvin Han Yee
Daphne, thank you so much for such an amazing class. I enjoyed every minute of your teaching and I feel you have helped me grow tremendously as a commercial actor!

It seems like an eon ago when I took your Commercial Class. I booked 8 National SAG commercials for Comcast Digital. The agency was Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and the director was Martin Granger for Moxie Pictures. We shot a week ago at Jim Henson/Chaplin Stages. Wow! What an experience! After and initial audition and two call backs with improv, singing and dancing, I landed a principle role. Thank you for all your training, help and dynamite encouragement! Just wanted to share the great news with you!

I have a great news! I've booked my first national commercial for Toyota! I'm so happy! I definitely would not have gotten this without my commercial training from you. Thanks Daphne!

What a delightful soul you are. For me, it was all about unlearning old habits and rediscovering my joy for the craft. Your contagious energy, your commitment to positive energy, your one-on-one sensitivity and insight into individual development and your compassionate approach to nurture the best in each of our students makes you an amazing teacher and damn fine human being.

When I found out you'd studied with at the Neighborhood Playhouse with Sanford Meisner, Larry Moss and other great teachers, I thought your classes would be intense, uncomfortable and frustrating. Boy, was I wrong. Somehow you've taken the best and turned it into your own special positive, supportive technique.

Daphne, I booked a Porsche commercial last week! As you can imagine, I'm thrilled. Your work played a huge part in my audition... Thank you for a great class. To be honest, I was dreading a commercial class but you changed my mind. Again, thanks for among other things to remember to sit/stand up straight, keep my hair out of my eyes, ask to rehearse, cozy up to my partner, be charming (in my mind, be Daphne), etc., etc., etc.!

I just wanted to drop another quick note to thank you for all your help. I booked my first commercial this week and the callback was exactly as you described. Thanks again.

I just got my first really good news since I left your class. I booked a role on a new pilot that shoots next week. I walked out KNOWING that they were going to call. Thanks for that, Daphne- it was really because of you that I went in taking it easy and not plowing straight into my read. I'm really thrilled. I can't believe how little time I had to put in before the first payoff. Onward and upward.

After working in the nonunion commercial market for over a year, thanks to your Commercial Workshop class, I've learned techniques that have helped me to audition with more warmth, confidence, and enthusiasm; I started booking more jobs, and signed with an agent for union-only work. I'm excited about pursuing my growing career because I now have the tools to do it well! I highly recommend your class to anyone who wants to work in this industry.

Thank you again; I recently went in for a Joe Pytka spot. I've auditioned for him before with no luck, but this time I put your skills to work AND BINGO! Pytka calls me, Loree Booth calls my agent and says they have loved me all along, and I shot my first IBM national spot! Thanks to getting that ego out of the way! You're the best!

I just wanted to write and thank you again for everything you passed along to me during your class. All your knowledge helped me land my first commercial! Thanks again, and hopefully I'll be able to pass on more success stories in the future.

I must tell you that your personality exudes inspiration. You inspired me to think smart. Your presence, intuition and teachings (last, yet far from least) rival Stanislavski and Strasberg in the assurance of your techniques succeeding. the aura you left with me has given me many opportunities. Thank you Daphne.

I cannot thank you enough for such a great class! When I first called you I had just come from a horrible audition. It had really knocked me for a loop. Thank you for your positive direction, knowledge and lovely spirit. Your class has been immeasurable in benefit to me.

Prior to taking your class I was called in for auditions often but rarely, if ever, booked anything on camera. Since taking your class I have booked an Adelphia Cable HDTV spot, XBOX Commercial, a Wagner Control Commercial, and an independent feature film which I just wrapped on Sunday. My stage acting was "too big" for "on-camera" and you helped me bring it down and focus it for the camera lens. I tell everyone that if they are thinking about getting an agent, or booking ANYTHING on camera, to take this class! I promise them that this class will get you energized and motivated to continue working at your craft so that you will become a "booker! Thank you Daphne!
I had an awesome time in your 6-week commercial intensive. The knowledge you gave us will be the key element in my success and confidence. Thank you!

Thank you so much for all your guidance; your class has been the highlight of my week. The warm environment has given me the confidence to follow through at every audition.
Thank you for everything! I really enjoyed your class and am looking forward to using the information and principles that I learned from you in the immediate future. I was really just looking to knock the rust off, and I got more than I bargained for. Again, thank you for your instruction, advice, and help. It has meant more to me than you might believe.
I've taken many classes in the past. Your class was the only one that revealed what commercial casting directors really go through and what they look for. I emerged from your class armed with knowledge and brimming with confidence! -
Thank you for the wonderful experience that I had in taking your workshop. You are an utmost professional, but by the same token, you have a nurturing warmth and understanding towards the actor. These kind qualities juxtaposed with your blunt honesty makes for a truly inspirational workshop. There have been many more callbacks (which I know is due to my increased confidence that is directly correlated with all of the education I gained in your workshop.
I came out you classes motivated, inspired and ready for anything. Must be working because I just booked a movie. You've really got me going in the right direction.
First of all THANK YOU for a wonderful 6 weeks! I really enjoyed it and learned so much more than I thought I would (to be quite honest). Let me tell you that last week in the very 1st audition in which I applied what you taught, I got the call back AND booked the spot for an Associated Television documentary!
Thank you so much for the outstanding education of the commercial word. The class was a blast! You are a true pleasure.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom, your wealth of experience, your great smile and your positive, supportive energy. I'll be making use of all the notes I took!
Thank you, Daphne for taking everything I'd been taught and turning it into something that really does the job. I have much more confidence going into auditions. You're the best.
I credit your workshop for helping me to immediately book a Budweiser SuperBowl spot. Since then I've been in Collateral Damage, The Sum of All Fears, Minority Report, Catch Me If You Can, and many, many commercials.
I just booked a speaking part in a Nike commercial. You taught me well
I want to tell you how much I loved your class. It was so great for me to get up and practice commercials in such a supportive, fun environment. Thank you so much!
Your teachings are amazing! Had an amazing audition today for General Hospital and booked it. Everything you taught us I did and I had a flawless audition. Just wanted to let you know you continue to make a difference.
I just wanted to thank you so much for your tremendous class--I got so much out of it both professionally and on a personal basis. Thank you so much and I look forward to catching up very soon...oh and I have been referring your class to all of my friends--I'm hoping they sign up with you!
Your class was an absolute pleasure to attend. In a matter of weeks I learned so much about the commercial industry and had a great time doing it. Every audition I'm at I make sure to practice what you taught me and I'm a much better performer for it. I would recommend your class to anyone who wants to book commercials!
Thank you Daphne: I went from not booking, to getting callbacks, producer reads and, finally, a role on the Guiding Light. Good things have kept happening ever since.
I've taken so many classes and felt like I was wasting my time. I don't know how you do it, but everything you've given me works. Now, every time I open my mailbox and find another residual check, I say a word of thanks to Daphne.
I just wanted to send you a quick note to reiterate how much I loved your class!!! you have such a great way of teaching, inspiring and leaving your students feeling full of confidence in only SIX WEEKS!!! I just want you to know that all of the above is so appreciated. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

I really didn't know what to expect coming into your class. There are so many teachers who promise you the world and never deliver. But within minutes I knew I'd found the source I'd been looking for. You are not only a wonderful, caring person, you really know this business and make it easy to grasp how to put everything you teach into action. And never once did I see you use anger, ego or nastiness to make your point. If only there were more acting teachers like you.
Thank you again for your time, wisdom and expertise. I've been on fire incorporating everything you gave me. In my gut I know that everything you said was "on the money". I hope to work with you again and I will recommend you to anyone.